At the recent event of therapeutic and mindful photography workshop I facilitated in Zagreb, there were eight participants from different age and professional groups, two in their twenties and thirties, three in their forties, and a person in their sixties. We came from the fields of culture and health care, and our differences did not present any obstacles. On the contrary, they contributed abundantly to group dynamics and mutual support.

Through the photographic exercises, we dealt with changes that caught us unprepared, that we didn’t manage to avoid, or those that never came. We built trust in ourselves and life power that is always stronger than any loss. We raised awareness of the so-called small things that fill everyday life with meaning and beauty. Some of us learned to read a picture for the first time. They were surprised by what a photograph can reveal about/to a person and the world. After all, we even managed to see a future brighter than the Christmas lights that flickered along with us.

Soon I will announce an open call to the workshop in Split on the same topic. It will start in January after all the new year’s magic fades away. If you would like to review your past and plans for the future in photographs, don’t hesitate to check participating conditions and make the reservation for your place at